Provencher Engineering, LLC
6 Wasserman Heights
Merrimack, NH 03054
Phone/Fax: (603) 883-4444

Applewood Condos

New Pump Station & Storage Tanks Upgrade

Applewood Drive, Boxborough,  Massachusetts

Working directly for the Applewood Condo Association, we master planned and designed a new 27,000 GPD water pump station with 54,000 gallons of underground concrete water storage tanks. This included navigating through a DEP ACO process, and securing a DEP Distribution Modification permit for this upgrade. We also provided inspections & certifications required for DEP activation approval.  The new pump station and storage tanks were constructed while maintaining the old underground concrete vault pump station and steel storage tank on-line and functional during the construction.  We creatively located the booster pumps outside of the pump station building, and used well pumps as booster pumps within wet-well casings to reduce the size of the building. Sufficient space was maintained inside the building for future treatment equipment. 

Reference available upon request via e-mail: