Provencher Engineering, LLC
6 Wasserman Heights
Merrimack, NH 03054
Phone/Fax: (603) 883-4444

Codman Hill Condos

Pump Station, Storage Tanks, & Treatment Upgrade

CODMAN HILL CONDOMINIUMS - Codman Hill Road, Boxborough,  Massachusetts
Codman Hill Condos was mandated by DEP to upgrade their water supply pump station, including the replacement of two storage tanks (10,000 & 5,000 gals), and the installation of manganese treatment. Provencher Engineering designed all of the upgrades and secured a Distribution Modification Permit from Mass DEP.
Space limitations in the existing concrete block pump station building required us to expand the building in place of the removed 5,000 gal tank. The expansion housed two new manganese “green sand plus” filters, a new chlorine injection system to oxidize the manganese, and a backwash holding tank and pump which pumps the filter backwash water into an on-site sewer.
On the opposite side of the building, we replaced the 10,000 gal tank with one new 15,000 gallon tank, with one end penetrating through the pump station wall. The well pump was replaced in the one source well, two new booster pumps controlled by variable frequency drives (VFDs) replaced the old booster pumps, allowing constant distribution system pressure at variable demand; and all of this was done while maintaining water supply to the Condos!
The rear entrance door was replaced with a front entrance in the new addition, which required a concrete wing-wall to retain earth over the existing shallow water lines to the condos. We also needed a Notice of Intent permit with the Conservation Commission, and we converted over 10,000 SF of pavement into grass behind the pump station in return for the Commission allowing Codman to keep the diesel generator in place.  The system is complete and functioning well!

Reference: Myra Miller, ELN Management (property manager):