Provencher Engineering, LLC
6 Wasserman Heights
Merrimack, NH 03054
Phone/Fax: (603) 883-4444

Concord Mews Apartments

Groundwater Discharge Permit for Wastewater Treat-

ment, Hydrogeologic Report, & Leach Field Design

CONCORD MEWS APARTMENTSOne Nathan Pratt Drive, Concord, Massachusetts

Working for Trammell Crow Residential, Mill Creek Residential, and West Concord Development, LLC, along side the site’s landscape architect / civil engineer, Beals Associates, Inc., and Precision Land Surveying, Inc., we provided wastewater master planning for this 70,000 GPD multi-unit residential development. We conducted soil evaluations with the DEP, borings and monitoring well installtion with a driller, and hydraulic conductivity (slug) tests using our transducers and test equipment. We read dozens of monitoring wells for groundwater level, calculated a seasonal high adjustment to the water table using the Frimpter Method, and contoured the seasonal high water table. 

Then we created a hydrogeologic model and determined the mounding effects to the water table elevation due to the recharge of the treated effluent, and contoured the proposed mounded groundwater table. We engineered and designed four equal treated effluent recharge leach fields consisting of plastic open-bottom "Infiltrator" chambers, which did not require any stone. The chambers were fed by four distribution boxes which were fed from one primary D-box and force main from the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP). The WWTP was designed by Linden Associates subcontracted to us.

We successfully secured a Groundwater Discharge Permit (GWDP) by MA DEP for discharge of treated effluent into a Zone 2 of a Town public water well.  This included our satisfactory responses to a peer review by Woodard & Curran, Inc. for the Zoning Board of Appeals, as well as DEP and other private interest groups providing comments through the GWDP process.  We also provided construction administration for the construction of the wastewater systems.  The site is fully-built out and continues to be a great success!

Reference available upon request: