Provencher Engineering, LLC
6 Wasserman Heights
Merrimack, NH 03054
Phone/Fax: (603) 883-4444

Hopkinton Country Club - Water Supply

  • New Well Source, Pump Station, Treatment & Storage

  • Two New Title 5 Commercial Septic Systems

    (Also see our wastewater system designed by us!)
HOPKINTON COUNTRY CLUB - 204 Saddle Hill Road, Hopkinton, Massachusetts 

Provencher Engineering was contracted by the Hopkinton Country Club to coordinate and conduct a 48-hour pump test of a new bedrock well for a new 10,000 GPD proposed public water supply in support of a new clubhouse and golf course expansion.  A 10,000 gallon steel water storage tank, treatment equipment, and pump station were designed and permitted with the Worcester DEP. Our treatment design included a cation exchange Uranium radionuclide removal system, which was the first system placed on line in the state of Massachusetts to treat for uranium removal!  We also included in our design an air stripper for Radon removal, and an ultra-violet disinfection unit to sterilize the treated water. We later installed a permanent transducer in the supply well, and in a stream gage for compliance with a permit from the Conservation Commission.  Both transducers were read, graphed, and interpreted on a quarterly basis for three years.

Reference: Tim Gordon, General Manager, Hopkinton Country Club:
See Hopkinton Country Club website: