Provencher Engineering, LLC
6 Wasserman Heights
Merrimack, NH 03054
Phone/Fax: (603) 883-4444

Sunset Ridge

New Well Sources, Pump Station, Treatment & Storage

Wattaquadock Hill Road, Bolton, Massachusetts

Sunset Ridge is a new 45± unit condo development that relies on three bedrock wells for drinking water, and one bedrock irrigation well. A 5-day long simultaneous pumping test was conducted on all 4 wells to conservatively simulate worse than worst-case pumping! The well water contained naturally-occurring Radon and Radium (a potentially radioactive radionuclide). We designed a cathedral ceiling wood-framed pump station building with treatment for the Radium, and we raised the radon aeration tank inside the elevated building, so that the treated water flowed out of the aeration tank by gravity flow, through an ultra-violet disinfection unit, and into a 15,000 gallon underground concrete storage tank directly behind the pump station. This avoided the need to pump the water from the aerator to the storage tank. Booster pumps draw water from storage and pressurize the site’s distribution system, which includes a make-up water feed into the site’s fire cistern. The site’s irrigation well is controlled from the pump station and uses a separate irrigation distribution system. The site is fully built and functional.

References available upon request. E-mail me at