Provencher Engineering, LLC
6 Wasserman Heights
Merrimack, NH 03054
Phone/Fax: (603) 883-4444

Exxon / Dunkin Donuts - Water Supply                                        

  • New Well Source, Pump Station, Treatment & Storage            

  • New Title 5 Commercial Septic System w/ Bioclere

    (Also see our wastewater design for this project)

EXXON / DUNKIN DONUTS - 1425 Mass. Ave. (Rt. 111), Boxborough, Massachusetts

Provencher Engineering was contracted by Verc Enterprises of Duxbury, Massachusetts, to establish a new public water supply well and water system for an existing Dunkin Donuts, gasoline station, and convenience store. Due to the petroleum-contaminated soil, groundwater, and drinking water from a previous gasoline tank leak, and because of limited undeveloped suitable on-site land area, an off-site well location was pursued on leased land with limited development potential, located 1,000 feet from the store. 

We conducted a 48-hour pumping test and collected water samples throughout the test. Lab results revealed elevated iron in the well water at 8 mg/L.  A design consisting of oxidation and filtration for iron removal was prepared and the pump station was designed and permitted by us. The treated water is stored in a 1,500 gallon atmospheric storage tank inside the pump station, and is re-pumped over 1,000 feet across Route 111 and into the existing building, resulting in a significant improvement in water supply, pressure, and quality.  

Reference upon request: